


No overview generated for 'HtmlTidy/html-tidy.js'

// Plugin for htmlArea to run code through the server's HTML Tidy
// By Adam Wright, for The University of Western Australia
// Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself.
// This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).

function HtmlTidy(editor) {
	this.editor = editor;

	var cfg = editor.config;
	var bl = HtmlTidy.btnList;
	var self = this;

	this.onMode = this.__onMode;

	// register the toolbar buttons provided by this plugin
	var toolbar = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < bl.length; ++i) {
		var btn = bl[i];
		if (btn == "html-tidy") {
			var id = "HT-html-tidy";
			cfg.registerButton(id, this._lc("HTML Tidy"), editor.imgURL(btn[0] + ".gif", "HtmlTidy"), true,
					   function(editor, id) {
						   // dispatch button press event
						   self.buttonPress(editor, id);
					   }, btn[1]);
		} else if (btn == "html-auto-tidy") {
            var btnTxt = [this._lc("Auto-Tidy"), this._lc("Don't Tidy")];
            var optionItems = new Object();
            optionItems[btnTxt[0]] = "auto";
            optionItems[btnTxt[1]] = "noauto";
			var ht_class = {
				id	: "HT-auto-tidy",
				options	: optionItems,
				action	: function (editor) { self.__onSelect(editor, this); },
				refresh	: function (editor) { },
				context	: "body"

	for (var i in toolbar) {

HtmlTidy._pluginInfo = {
	name          : "HtmlTidy",
	version       : "1.0",
	developer     : "Adam Wright",
	developer_url : "",
	sponsor       : "The University of Western Australia",
	sponsor_url   : "",
	license       : "htmlArea"

HtmlTidy.prototype._lc = function(string) {
    return HTMLArea._lc(string, 'HtmlTidy');

HtmlTidy.prototype.__onSelect = function(editor, obj) {
	// Get the toolbar element object
	var elem = editor._toolbarObjects[].element;

	// Set our onMode event appropriately
	if (elem.value == "auto")
		this.onMode = this.__onMode;
		this.onMode = null;

HtmlTidy.prototype.__onMode = function(mode) {
	if ( mode == "textmode" ) {
		this.buttonPress(this.editor, "HT-html-tidy");

HtmlTidy.btnList = [
		    null, // separator

HtmlTidy.prototype.buttonPress = function(editor, id) {

	switch (id)
    case "HT-html-tidy":
      var oldhtml = editor.getHTML();
      // Ask the server for some nice new html, based on the old...
      HTMLArea._postback(_editor_url + 'plugins/HtmlTidy/html-tidy-logic.php', {'htisource_name' : oldhtml},
                            function(javascriptResponse) { eval(javascriptResponse) });

HtmlTidy.prototype.processTidied = function(newSrc) {
	editor = this.editor;


Documentation generated by JSDoc on Mon Jun 13 20:27:40 2005