


By Adam Wright, for The University of Western Australia Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself. This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt). Heavily modified by Yermo Lamers of DTLink, LLC, College Park, Md., USA. For more info see

// tabs 2

* @fileoverview By Adam Wright, for The University of Western Australia
* Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself.
* This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
* Heavily modified by Yermo Lamers of DTLink, LLC, College Park, Md., USA.
* For more info see
* @todo not quite ready for primetime yet. bound to CNTRL-ENTER for now.

* plugin Info

EnterParagraphs._pluginInfo = 
  name          : "EnterParagraphs",
  version       : "1.0",
  developer     : "Adam Wright",
  developer_url : "",
  sponsor       : "The University of Western Australia",
  sponsor_url   : "",
  license       : "htmlArea"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// "constants"

* Whitespace Regex

EnterParagraphs.prototype._whiteSpace = /^\s*$/;

* The pragmatic list of which elements a paragraph may not contain

EnterParagraphs.prototype._pExclusions = /^(address|blockquote|body|dd|div|dl|dt|fieldset|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|hr|li|noscript|ol|p|pre|table|ul)$/i;

* elements which may contain a paragraph

EnterParagraphs.prototype._pContainers = /^(body|del|div|fieldset|form|ins|map|noscript|object|td|th)$/i;

* Elements which may not contain paragraphs, and would prefer a break to being split

EnterParagraphs.prototype._pBreak = /^(address|pre|blockquote)$/i;

* Elements which may not contain children

EnterParagraphs.prototype._permEmpty = /^(area|base|basefont|br|col|frame|hr|img|input|isindex|link|meta|param)$/i;

* Elements which count as content, as distinct from whitespace or containers

EnterParagraphs.prototype._elemSolid = /^(applet|br|button|hr|img|input|table)$/i;

* Elements which should get a new P, before or after, when enter is pressed at either end

EnterParagraphs.prototype._pifySibling = /^(address|blockquote|del|div|dl|fieldset|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|hr|ins|map|noscript|object|ol|p|pre|table|ul|)$/i;
EnterParagraphs.prototype._pifyForced = /^(ul|ol|dl|table)$/i;

* Elements which should get a new P, before or after a close parent, when enter is pressed at either end

EnterParagraphs.prototype._pifyParent = /^(dd|dt|li|td|th|tr)$/i;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

* EnterParagraphs Constructor

function EnterParagraphs(editor) 

  this.editor = editor;

	// [STRIP
	// create a ddt debug trace object. There may be multiple editors on 
	// the page each EnterParagraphs .. to distinguish which instance
	// is generating the message we tack on the name of the textarea.

	this.ddt = new DDT( editor._textArea + ":EnterParagraphs Plugin" );

	// uncomment to turn on debugging messages.
	// this.ddt._ddtOn();

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","103", "EnterParagraphs(): constructor" );

	// STRIP]

  // hook into the event handler to intercept key presses if we are using
	// gecko (Mozilla/FireFox)

  if (HTMLArea.is_gecko)
		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","112", "EnterParagraphs(): we are gecko. Setting event handler." );
    this.onKeyPress = this.__onKeyPress;

	};	// end of constructor.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

* name member for debugging
* This member is used to identify objects of this class in debugging
* messages.
*/ = "EnterParagraphs";

* Gecko's a bit lacking in some odd ways...

EnterParagraphs.prototype.insertAdjacentElement = function(ref,pos,el) 

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "122", "insertAdjacentElement(): top with pos '" + pos + "' ref:", ref );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "122", "insertAdjacentElement(): top with el:", el );

  if ( pos == 'BeforeBegin' ) 
  else if ( pos == 'AfterEnd' ) 
		ref.nextSibling ? ref.parentNode.insertBefore(el,ref.nextSibling) : ref.parentNode.appendChild(el);
  else if ( pos == 'AfterBegin' && ref.firstChild ) 
  else if ( pos == 'BeforeEnd' || pos == 'AfterBegin' ) 

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "122", "insertAdjacentElement(): bottom with ref:", ref );

	};	// end of insertAdjacentElement()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

* Passes a global parent node or document fragment to forEachNode
* @param root node root node to start search from.
* @param mode string function to apply to each node.
* @param direction string traversal direction "ltr" (left to right) or "rtl" (right_to_left)
* @param init boolean

EnterParagraphs.prototype.forEachNodeUnder = function ( root, mode, direction, init ) 

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "144", "forEachNodeUnder(): top mode is '" + mode + "' direction is '" + direction + "' starting with root node:", root );

  // Identify the first and last nodes to deal with
  var start, end;

	// nodeType 11 is DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE which is a container. 

  if ( root.nodeType == 11 && root.firstChild ) 
    start = root.firstChild;
    end = root.lastChild;
		start = end = root;

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "144", "forEachNodeUnder(): start node is:", start );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "144", "forEachNodeUnder(): initial end node is:", end );

	// traverse down the right hand side of the tree getting the last child of the last
	// child in each level until we reach bottom.
  while ( end.lastChild ) 
		end = end.lastChild;

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "144", "forEachNodeUnder(): end node after descent is:", end );

  return this.forEachNode( start, end, mode, direction, init);

	};	// end of forEachNodeUnder()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* perform a depth first descent in the direction requested.
* @param left_node node "start node"
* @param right_node node "end node"
* @param mode string function to apply to each node. cullids or emptyset.
* @param direction string traversal direction "ltr" (left to right) or "rtl" (right_to_left)
* @param init boolean or object.

EnterParagraphs.prototype.forEachNode = function (left_node, right_node, mode, direction, init) 

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","221", "forEachNode(): top - mode is:" + mode + "' direction '" + direction + "'" );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "175", "forEachNode(): top - left node is:", left_node );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "175", "forEachNode(): top - right node is:", right_node );

	// returns "Brother" node either left or right.

  var getSibling = function(elem, direction) 
							return ( direction == "ltr" ? elem.nextSibling : elem.previousSibling ); 

  var getChild = function(elem, direction) 
							return ( direction == "ltr" ? elem.firstChild : elem.lastChild ); 

  var walk, lookup, fnReturnVal;

	// FIXME: init is a boolean in the emptyset case and an object in 
	// the cullids case. Used inconsistently.
	var next_node = init;

	// used to flag having reached the last node.

	var done_flag = false;

  // loop ntil we've hit the last node in the given direction.
	// if we're going left to right that's the right_node and visa-versa.

  while ( walk != direction == "ltr" ? right_node : left_node ) 

    // on first entry, walk here is null. So this is how 
		// we prime the loop with the first node.

    if ( !walk ) 
			walk = direction == "ltr" ? left_node : right_node;

			this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "175", "forEachNode(): !walk - current node is:", walk );

			// is there a child node?

      if ( getChild(walk,direction) ) 

				// descend down into the child.

				walk = getChild(walk,direction);

				this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "175", "forEachNode():descending to child node:", walk );


				// is there a sibling node on this level?

        if ( getSibling(walk,direction) ) 

					// move to the sibling.

					walk = getSibling(walk,direction);

					this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "175", "forEachNode(): moving to sibling node:", walk );

          lookup = walk;

					// climb back up the tree until we find a level where we are not the end 
					// node on the level (i.e. that we have a sibling in the direction
					// we are searching) or until we reach the end.

          while ( !getSibling(lookup,direction) && lookup != (direction == "ltr" ? right_node : left_node) ) 
						lookup = lookup.parentNode;

					// did we find a level with a sibling? 

          // walk = ( lookup.nextSibling ? lookup.nextSibling : lookup ) ;

          walk = ( getSibling(lookup,direction) ? getSibling(lookup,direction) : lookup ) ;

					this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "175", "forEachNode(): climbed back up (or found right node):", walk );

			}	// end of else walk.

		// have we reached the end? either as a result of the top while loop or climbing
		// back out above.

		done_flag = (walk==( direction == "ltr" ? right_node : left_node));

		// call the requested function on the current node. Functions
		// return an array. 
		// Possible functions are _fenCullIds, _fenEmptySet
		// The situation is complicated by the fact that sometimes we want to
		// return the base node and sometimes we do not.
		// next_node can be an object (this.takenIds), a node (text, el, etc) or false.

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","334", "forEachNode(): calling function" );

		switch( mode )

			case "cullids":

    		fnReturnVal = this._fenCullIds(walk, next_node );	

			case "find_fill":

    		fnReturnVal = this._fenEmptySet(walk, next_node, mode, done_flag);	

			case "find_cursorpoint":

    		fnReturnVal = this._fenEmptySet(walk, next_node, mode, done_flag);	


		// If this node wants us to return, return next_node

    if ( fnReturnVal[0] ) 
			this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "175", "forEachNode(): returning node:", fnReturnVal[1] );

			return fnReturnVal[1];								

		// are we done with the loop? 

		if ( done_flag )

		// Otherwise, pass to the next node

    if ( fnReturnVal[1] ) 
			next_node = fnReturnVal[1];								

	  }	// end of while loop

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","381", "forEachNode(): returning false." );

  return false;

	};	// end of forEachNode()

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

* Find a post-insertion node, only if all nodes are empty, or the first content
* @param node node current node beinge examined.
* @param next_node node next node to be examined.
* @param node string "find_fill" or "find_cursorpoint"
* @param last_flag boolean is this the last node? 

EnterParagraphs.prototype._fenEmptySet = function( node, next_node, mode, last_flag) 

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "263", "_fenEmptySet() : top with mode '" + mode + "' and last_flag '" + last_flag + "' and node:", node );

  // Mark this if it's the first base

  if ( !next_node && !node.firstChild ) 
		next_node = node;

  // Is it an element node and is it considered content? (br, hr, etc)
	// or is it a text node that is not just whitespace?
	// or is it not an element node and not a text node?

  if ( (node.nodeType == 1 && this._elemSolid.test(node.nodeName)) ||
    (node.nodeType == 3 && !this._whiteSpace.test(node.nodeValue)) ||
    (node.nodeType != 1 && node.nodeType != 3) ) 

		this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "263", "_fenEmptySet() : found content in node:", node );

		switch( mode )

			case "find_fill":

				// does not return content.

		    return new Array(true, false );

			case "find_cursorpoint":
				// returns content

		    return new Array(true, node );



  // In either case (fill or findcursor) we return the base node. The avoids
	// problems in terminal cases (beginning or end of document or container tags)

  if ( last_flag )
		this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "263", "_fenEmptySet() : return 'base' node:", next_node );

		return new Array( true, next_node );

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "263", "_fenEmptySet() : bottom returning false and :", next_node );

  return new Array( false, next_node );

	};	// end of _fenEmptySet()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* remove duplicate Id's. 
* @param ep_ref enterparagraphs reference to enterparagraphs object

EnterParagraphs.prototype._fenCullIds = function ( ep_ref, node, pong ) 

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","469", "_fenCullIds(): top" );

  // Check for an id, blast it if it's in the store, otherwise add it

  if ( ) 

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","476", "_fenCullIds(): node '" + node.nodeName + "' has an id '" + + "'" );

		pong[] ? = '' : pong[] = true;

  return new Array(false,pong);


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Grabs a range suitable for paragraph stuffing
* @param rng Range
* @param search_direction string "left" or "right" 
* @todo check blank node issue in roaming loop.

EnterParagraphs.prototype.processSide = function( rng, search_direction) 

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","499", "processSide(): top search_direction == '" + search_direction + "'" );

  var next = function(element, search_direction) 
							return ( search_direction == "left" ? element.previousSibling : element.nextSibling ); 

  var node = search_direction == "left" ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer;
  var offset = search_direction == "left" ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset;
  var roam, start = node;

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "337", "processSide(): starting with node:", node );

  // Never start with an element, because then the first roaming node might
  // be on the exclusion list and we wouldn't know until it was too late

  while ( start.nodeType == 1 && !this._permEmpty.test(start.nodeName) ) 
		start = ( offset ? start.lastChild : start.firstChild );

  // Climb the tree, left or right, until our course of action presents itself
	// if roam is NULL try start.
	// if roam is NOT NULL, try next node in our search_direction
	// If that node is NULL, get our parent node.
	// If all the above turns out NULL end the loop.
	// FIXME: gecko (firefox 1.0.3) - enter "test" into an empty document and press enter.
	// sometimes this loop finds a blank text node, sometimes it doesn't.

  while ( roam = roam ? ( next(roam,search_direction) ? next(roam,search_direction) : roam.parentNode ) : start )

		this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "357", "processSide(): roaming loop, search_direction is '" + search_direction + "' current node is: ", roam );

		// next() is an inline function defined above that returns the next node depending
		// on the direction we're searching.

    if ( next(roam,search_direction) ) 

			this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","542", "processSide(): Checking next node '" + next(roam,search_direction).NodeName + "' for _pExclusions list." );

      // If the next sibling's on the exclusion list, stop before it

      if ( this._pExclusions.test(next(roam,search_direction).nodeName) ) 

				this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","549", "processSide(): Node '" + next(roam,search_direction).NodeName + "' is on the _pExclusions list. Stopping before it." );

        return this.processRng(rng, search_direction, roam, next(roam,search_direction), (search_direction == "left"?'AfterEnd':'BeforeBegin'), true, false);

			this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","557", "processSide(): No next node, examing parent node '" + roam.parentNode.nodeName + "' for containers or exclusions." );

      // If our parent's on the container list, stop inside it

      if (this._pContainers.test(roam.parentNode.nodeName)) 

				this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","564", "processSide(): Parent Node '" + roam.parentNode.nodeName + "' is on the _pContainer list. Stopping inside it." );

        return this.processRng(rng, search_direction, roam, roam.parentNode, (search_direction == "left"?'AfterBegin':'BeforeEnd'), true, false);
      else if (this._pExclusions.test(roam.parentNode.nodeName)) 

				this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","571", "processSide(): Parent Node '" + roam.parentNode.nodeName + "' is on the _pExclusion list." );

	      // chop without wrapping

        if (this._pBreak.test(roam.parentNode.nodeName)) 

					this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","578", "processSide(): Parent Node '" + roam.parentNode.nodeName + "' is on the _pBreak list." );

          return this.processRng(rng, search_direction, roam, roam.parentNode,
                            (search_direction == "left"?'AfterBegin':'BeforeEnd'), false, (search_direction == "left" ?true:false));

					this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","586", "processSide(): Parent Node '" + roam.parentNode.nodeName + "' is not on the _pBreak list." );

					// the next(roam,search_direction) in this call is redundant since we know it's false
					// because of the "if next(roam,search_direction)" above.
					// the final false prevents this range from being wrapped in <p>'s most likely
					// because it's already wrapped.

          return this.processRng(rng, 
																(roam = roam.parentNode),
		                            (next(roam,search_direction) ? next(roam,search_direction) : roam.parentNode),
									              (next(roam,search_direction) ? (search_direction == "left"?'AfterEnd':'BeforeBegin') : (search_direction == "left"?'AfterBegin':'BeforeEnd')), 

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","606", "processSide(): bottom" );

	};	// end of processSide()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* processRng - process Range.
* Neighbour and insertion identify where the new node, roam, needs to enter
* the document; landmarks in our selection will be deleted before insertion
* @param rn Range original selected range
* @param search_direction string Direction to search in.
* @param roam node 
* @param insertion string may be AfterBegin of BeforeEnd
* @return array

EnterParagraphs.prototype.processRng = function(rng, search_direction, roam, neighbour, insertion, pWrap, preBr) 

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "398", "processRng(): top - roam arg is:", roam );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "398", "processRng(): top - neighbor arg is:", neighbour );

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","631", "processRng(): top - insertion arg is: '" + insertion + "'" );

  var node = search_direction == "left" ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer;
  var offset = search_direction == "left" ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset;

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "447", "processRng(): range start (or end) is at offset '" + offset + "' is node :", node );

  // Define the range to cut, and extend the selection range to the same boundary

  var editor = this.editor;
  var newRng = editor._doc.createRange();


	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "522", "processRng(): selecting newRng is:", newRng );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "522", "processRng(): selecting original rng is:", rng );

	// extend the range in the given direction.

  if ( search_direction == "left")
    newRng.setEnd(node, offset);
    rng.setStart(newRng.startContainer, newRng.startOffset);

		this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "522", "processRng(): extending direction left - newRng is:", newRng );
		this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "522", "processRng(): extending direction left - rng is:", rng );

	else if ( search_direction == "right" )

    newRng.setStart(node, offset);
		rng.setEnd(newRng.endContainer, newRng.endOffset);

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","665", "processRng(): right - new range start is '" + offset + "' end offset is '" + newRng.endOffset + "'" );

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "522", "processRng(): rng is:", rng );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "522", "processRng(): newRng is:", newRng );

  // Clone the range and remove duplicate ids it would otherwise produce

  var cnt = newRng.cloneContents();

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "509", "processRng(): culling duplicate ids from:", cnt );

	// in this case "init" is an object not a boolen.

  this.forEachNodeUnder( cnt, "cullids", "ltr", this.takenIds, false, false);

  // Special case, for inserting paragraphs before some blocks when caret is at 
	// their zero offset. 
	// Used to "open up space" in front of a list, table. Usefull if the list is at
	// the top of the document. (otherwise you'd have no way of "moving it down").

  var pify, pifyOffset, fill;
  pify = search_direction == "left" ? (newRng.endContainer.nodeType == 3 ? true:false) : (newRng.startContainer.nodeType == 3 ? false:true);
  pifyOffset = pify ? newRng.startOffset : newRng.endOffset;
  pify = pify ? newRng.startContainer : newRng.endContainer;

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "521", "processRng(): pify is '" + pify.nodeName + "' pifyOffset is '" + pifyOffset + "':", pify );

  if ( this._pifyParent.test(pify.nodeName) && pify.parentNode.childNodes.item(0) == pify ) 
    while ( !this._pifySibling.test(pify.nodeName) ) 
			pify = pify.parentNode;


  if ( cnt.nodeType == 11 && !cnt.firstChild ) 

	// YmL: Added additional last parameter for fill case to work around logic
	// error in forEachNode()

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","712", "processRng(): find_fill in cnt." );

  fill = this.forEachNodeUnder(cnt, "find_fill", "ltr", false );

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "612", "processRng(): fill node:" , fill );

  if ( fill && 
				this._pifySibling.test(pify.nodeName) &&
	    	( (pifyOffset == 0) || ( pifyOffset == 1 && this._pifyForced.test(pify.nodeName) ) ) ) 

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","723", "processRng(): pify handling. Creating p tag followed by nbsp tag" );

		roam = editor._doc.createElement( 'p' );
		roam.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";

    // roam = editor._doc.createElement('p');
    // roam.appendChild(editor._doc.createElement('br'));

		// for these cases, if we are processing the left hand side we want it to halt
		// processing instead of doing the right hand side. (Avoids adding another <p>&nbsp</p>
		// after the list etc.

    if ((search_direction == "left" ) && pify.previousSibling) 

			this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","738", "processRng(): returning created roam AfterEnd" );

			return new Array(pify.previousSibling, 'AfterEnd', roam);
    else if (( search_direction == "right") && pify.nextSibling) 

			this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","745", "processRng(): returning created roam BeforeBegin" );

			return new Array(pify.nextSibling, 'BeforeBegin', roam);

			this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","752", "processRng(): returning created roam for direction '" + search_direction + "'" );

			return new Array(pify.parentNode, (search_direction == "left"?'AfterBegin':'BeforeEnd'), roam);


  // If our cloned contents are 'content'-less, shove a break in them

  if ( fill ) 

		// Ill-concieved? 
		// 3 is a TEXT node and it should be empty.

		if ( fill.nodeType == 3 ) 
			// fill = fill.parentNode;		

			fill = editor._doc.createDocumentFragment();

			this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "575", "processRng(): fill.nodeType is 3. Moving up to parent:", fill );

    if ( (fill.nodeType == 1 && !this._elemSolid.test()) || fill.nodeType == 11 ) 

			// FIXME:/CHECKME: When Xinha is switched from WYSIWYG to text mode 
			// HTMLArea.getHTMLWrapper() will strip out the trailing br. Not sure why.

			// fill.appendChild(editor._doc.createElement('br'));

			var pterminator = editor._doc.createElement( 'p' );
			pterminator.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";

			fill.appendChild( pterminator );
			this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "583", "processRng(): fill type is 1 and !elemsolid or it's type 11. Appending an nbsp tag:", fill );


			this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","797", "processRng(): inserting a br tag before." );

			// fill.parentNode.insertBefore(editor._doc.createElement('br'),fill);

			var pterminator = editor._doc.createElement( 'p' );
			pterminator.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";



	// YmL: If there was no content replace with fill
	// (previous code did not use fill and we ended up with the
	// <p>test</p><p></p> because Gecko was finding two empty text nodes 
	// when traversing on the right hand side of an empty document.

	if ( fill )

		this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "606", "processRng(): no content. Using fill.", fill );

		roam = fill;
	  // And stuff a shiny new object with whatever contents we have

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","825", "processRng(): creating p tag or document fragment - pWrap is '" + pWrap + "' " );
	  roam = (pWrap || (cnt.nodeType == 11 && !cnt.firstChild)) ? editor._doc.createElement('p') : editor._doc.createDocumentFragment();

  if (preBr) 
		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","833", "processRng(): appending a br based on preBr flag" );


	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "606", "processRng(): bottom with roam:", roam );
	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "606", "processRng(): bottom with neighbour:", neighbour );

  // Return the nearest relative, relative insertion point and fragment to insert

  return new Array(neighbour, insertion, roam);

	};	// end of processRng()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* are we an <li> that should be handled by the browser?
* there is no good way to "get out of" ordered or unordered lists from Javascript.
* We have to pass the onKeyPress 13 event to the browser so it can take care of
* getting us "out of" the list. 
* The Gecko engine does a good job of handling all the normal <li> cases except the "press 
* enter at the first position" where we want a <p>&nbsp</p> inserted before the list. The
* built-in behavior is to open up a <li> before the current entry (not good).
* @param rng Range range.

EnterParagraphs.prototype.isNormalListItem = function(rng)

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "863", "isNormaListItem(): checking rng for list end:", rng );

	var node, listNode;

	node = rng.startContainer;

	if (( typeof node.nodeName != 'undefined') &&
		( node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li' ))

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","876", "isNormaListItem(): node is a list item" );

		// are we a list item?

		listNode = node;
	else if (( typeof node.parentNode != 'undefined' ) &&
				( typeof node.parentNode.nodeName != 'undefined' ) &&
				( node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li' ))

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","887", "isNormaListItem(): parent is a list item" );
		// our parent is a list item.

		listNode = node.parentNode;

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","896", "isNormaListItem(): not list item" );

		// neither we nor our parent are a list item. this is not a normal
		// li case.

		return false;

	// at this point we have a listNode. Is it the first list item? 

	if ( ! listNode.previousSibling )
		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","908", "isNormaListItem(): we are the first li." );

		// are we on the first character of the first li? 

		if ( rng.startOffset == 0 )
			this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","914", "isNormaListItem(): we are on the first character." );

			return false;

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","920", "isNormaListItem(): this is a normal list item case." );
	return true;

	};	// end of isNormalListItem()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Called when a key is pressed in the editor

EnterParagraphs.prototype.__onKeyPress = function(ev) 

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","933", "__onKeyPress(): top with keyCode '" + ev.keyCode + "'" );

	// If they've hit enter and CNTRL is pressed, handle it

  if (ev.keyCode == 13 && ev.ctrlKey && this.editor._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection)
		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","939", "__onKeyPress(): calling handleEnter" );

    return this.handleEnter(ev);

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","944", "__onKeyPress(): bottom" );

	};	// end of _onKeyPress()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Handles the pressing of an unshifted enter for Gecko

EnterParagraphs.prototype.handleEnter = function(ev) 

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","957", "handleEnter(): top" );

	var cursorNode;

  // Grab the selection and associated range

  var sel = this.editor._getSelection();
  var rng = this.editor._createRange(sel);

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "757", "handleEnter(): initial range is: ", rng );

	// if we are at the end of a list and the node is empty let the browser handle
	// it to get us out of the list.

	if ( this.isNormalListItem(rng) )
		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","973", "handleEnter(): we are at the end of a list with a blank item. Letting the browser handle it." );
		return true;

	// as far as I can tell this isn't actually used. 

  this.takenIds = new Object();

  // Grab ranges for document re-stuffing, if appropriate
	// pStart and pEnd are arrays consisting of
	// [0] neighbor node
	// [1] insertion type
	// [2] roam

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","988", "handleEnter(): calling processSide on left side." );

  var pStart = this.processSide(rng, "left");

	this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "757", "handleEnter(): after processing left side range is: ", rng );

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","994", "handleEnter(): calling processSide on right side." );

 	var pEnd = this.processSide(rng, "right");

	// used to position the cursor after insertion.

	cursorNode = pEnd[2];

  // Get rid of everything local to the selection


	// Grab a node we'll have after insertion, since fragments will be lost
	// we'll use this to position the cursor.

	this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","1011", "handleEnter(): looking for cursor position" );

  var holdEnd = this.forEachNodeUnder( cursorNode, "find_cursorpoint", "ltr", false, true);

	if ( ! holdEnd )
		alert( "INTERNAL ERROR - could not find place to put cursor after ENTER" );

  // Insert our carefully chosen document fragments

  if ( pStart ) 

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","1025", "handleEnter(): inserting pEnd" );

		this.insertAdjacentElement(pStart[0], pStart[1], pStart[2]);

  if ( pEnd && pEnd.nodeType != 1) 

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","1033", "handleEnter(): inserting pEnd" );

		this.insertAdjacentElement(pEnd[0], pEnd[1], pEnd[2]);

  // Move the caret in front of the first good text element

  if ((holdEnd) && (this._permEmpty.test(holdEnd.nodeName) )) 

		this.ddt._ddt( "enter-paragraphs.js","1043", "handleEnter(): looping to find cursor element." );

    var prodigal = 0;
    while ( holdEnd.parentNode.childNodes.item(prodigal) != holdEnd ) 

    sel.collapse( holdEnd.parentNode, prodigal);

		// holdEnd might be false.

			sel.collapse(holdEnd, 0);

			this.ddt._ddtDumpNode( "enter-paragraphs.js", "1057", "handleEnter(): scrolling to element:", holdEnd );

			// interestingly, scrollToElement() scroll so the top if holdEnd is a text node. 
			if ( holdEnd.nodeType == 3 )
				holdEnd = holdEnd.parentNode;

		catch (e) 
			// we could try to place the cursor at the end of the document.


	return true;

	};	// end of handleEnter()

// END


Documentation generated by JSDoc on Mon Jun 13 20:27:40 2005