


No overview generated for 'CSS/css.js'

// Simple CSS (className) plugin for the editor
// Sponsored by
// Implementation by Mihai Bazon,
// (c) 2003
// Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself.
// This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
// $Id: css.js 60 2005-04-05 13:22:31Z niko $
// @TODO This is the default and won't be very useful to others.
// We should make this better.
HTMLArea.Config.prototype.cssPluginConfig =
    combos : [
      { label: "Syntax",
                   // menu text       // CSS class
        options: { "None"           : "",
                   "Code" : "code",
                   "String" : "string",
                   "Comment" : "comment",
                   "Variable name" : "variable-name",
                   "Type" : "type",
                   "Reference" : "reference",
                   "Preprocessor" : "preprocessor",
                   "Keyword" : "keyword",
                   "Function name" : "function-name",
                   "Html tag" : "html-tag",
                   "Html italic" : "html-helper-italic",
                   "Warning" : "warning",
                   "Html bold" : "html-helper-bold"
        context: "pre"
      { label: "Info",
        options: { "None"           : "",
                   "Quote"          : "quote",
                   "Highlight"      : "highlight",
                   "Deprecated"     : "deprecated"

function CSS(editor, params) {
	this.editor = editor;
	var cfg = editor.config;
	var toolbar = cfg.toolbar;
	var self = this;
	var plugin_config;
  if(params && params.length)
    plugin_config = params[0];
    plugin_config = editor.config.cssPluginConfig;

  var combos = plugin_config.combos;

	var first = true;
	for (var i = combos.length; --i >= 0;) {
		var combo = combos[i];
		var id = "CSS-class" + i;
		var css_class = {
			id         : id,
			options    : combo.options,
			action     : function(editor) { self.onSelect(editor, this, combo.context, combo.updatecontextclass); },
			refresh    : function(editor) { self.updateValue(editor, this); },
			context    : combo.context

		// prepend to the toolbar
		toolbar[1].splice(0, 0, first ? "separator" : "space");
		toolbar[1].splice(0, 0, id);
		if (combo.label)
			toolbar[1].splice(0, 0, "T[" + combo.label + "]");
		first = false;

CSS._pluginInfo = {
	name          : "CSS",
	version       : "1.0",
	developer     : "Mihai Bazon",
	developer_url : "",
	c_owner       : "Mihai Bazon",
	sponsor       : "Miro International",
	sponsor_url   : "",
	license       : "htmlArea"

CSS.prototype.onSelect = function(editor, obj, context, updatecontextclass) {
	var tbobj = editor._toolbarObjects[];
	var index = tbobj.element.selectedIndex;
	var className = tbobj.element.value;

	// retrieve parent element of the selection
	var parent = editor.getParentElement();
	var surround = true;

	var is_span = (parent && parent.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span");
	var update_parent = (context && updatecontextclass && parent && parent.tagName.toLowerCase() == context);

	if (update_parent) {
		parent.className = className;

	if (is_span && index == 0 && !/\S/.test( {
		while (parent.firstChild) {
			parent.parentNode.insertBefore(parent.firstChild, parent);

	if (is_span) {
		// maybe we could simply change the class of the parent node?
		if (parent.childNodes.length == 1) {
			parent.className = className;
			surround = false;
			// in this case we should handle the toolbar updation
			// ourselves.

	// Other possibilities could be checked but require a lot of code.  We
	// can't afford to do that now.
	if (surround) {
		// shit happens ;-) most of the time.  this method works, but
		// it's dangerous when selection spans multiple block-level
		// elements.
		editor.surroundHTML("<span class='" + className + "'>", "</span>");

CSS.prototype.updateValue = function(editor, obj) {
	var select = editor._toolbarObjects[].element;
	var parent = editor.getParentElement();
	if (typeof parent.className != "undefined" && /\S/.test(parent.className)) {
		var options = select.options;
		var value = parent.className;
		for (var i = options.length; --i >= 0;) {
			var option = options[i];
			if (value == option.value) {
				select.selectedIndex = i;
	select.selectedIndex = 0;


Documentation generated by JSDoc on Mon Jun 13 20:27:40 2005